The importance of circular recycling
To ensure that plastic packaging is used as much as possible, it is essential that it may be reused to produce other plastic packaging.
The crucial issue lies in an appropriate collection of packaging, carefully sorting, and adequate reuse to produce new and equally safe packaging. In the case of Breplast that means bottle-to-bottle recycling.
The future of recycling is in our history
Our mission is to recycle 100% of the waste resulting from bottles and flacons, in accordance with the plastic circular economy principles, and offering a unique product of excellence.
To do this, we have equipped with innovative optical technologies for the separation of colors to enhance a range of shades, including bright ones, and to be able to meet the needs of bottle manufacturers. The optical separation also allows the removal and recovery of labels and polymers other than HDPE, as well as the elimination of non-plastic pollutants. In this way, it is possible to eliminate strong and sometimes unpleasant odors, typical of recycled plastics coming from detergent bottles, drastically reducing the presence of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). Aspects that had hitherto held back the use of PCR in the packaging sector.
Unlike Post-Industrial Plastic (PIR) where the origin is known and the material is always under control by the manufacturer, Post-Consumer Plastic (PCR) due to its unknown origin and possible contamination of the products contained in the packaging – requires more complex recycling processes and must be treated with the most advanced technologies to obtain a high-quality granule and adequate levels of safety.
The selection of plastics from separate collection is a crucial step in the HDPE recycling process to achieve high quality levels. A further stage – the selection by colors – has been introduced at Breplast to meet the most sophisticated requests from cosmetics and personal care sectors, as highlighted above.
The extrusion phase ensures the homogenization of the polymer with forced removal of the gases generated by the melting process and a fine mechanical filtration – up to 60 µm – which makes possible to eliminate almost all the residual pollutants, achieving a cleanliness of the granule that is compatible with the standards required by blow molding processes.
The most innovative and technologically advanced phase of the entire HDPE recycling process that Breplast has introduced in recent years is refreshing / deodorization, the result of a strategy aimed at making a difference in high-quality PCR plastic recycled materials. The resulting granule is in fact safe and totally odorless. Here is, how our 100% post-consumer granules go far beyond the quality and safety standards typical of PCR.
The value of certifications and traceability
If the constant increase in the use of PCR by the processing industry is already a reality – this also thanks to citizens who are increasingly attentive and aware that waste is a resource to be exploited, for this trend to consolidate, the regulatory and certification systems must do their part by ensuring the origin and compliance of the recycled material. In this regard, Breplast has both process certifications (UNI-EN-ISO 9000 and 14000) and product certifications such as EUCERPLAST and PLASTICA SECONDA VITA (PSV) – to guarantee the excellence and passion for recycling that distinguish us now more than ever.
Here at Breplast, we know that“…knocking at the door of excellance is a daily work”